Industry Leading Software

Secure Login
The login screen can vary depending on the customers selection of login type. Two main login functions can be added to the systems for a more secure and bespoke solution. Fingerprint & User RFIDs.

Simple Interface
Simple but effective. Our touchscreen interface allows a user to quickly take or return a key with ease. This can improve efficiency and accessibility when users are handling keys often.

Key Groups
Key selection can be tailored to best suit the customer. This can be a choice option for a category of vehicles or a specific list. Each option keeps in mind the quick and easy mindset of the system.

VoR for Fleet
Vehicle off-road (VoR) is a feature which provides admin users information on where the vehicle is located & the condition it is in. Additionally, these VoR vehicles can then all be released all at once for easy maintenance and access.

Return Process
A simple return process allows a user to tap or insert the key Fob and return the key. Additional questions can be added on return for more in-depth information. All of which can be reviewed on the web software.

Emergency Release Functionality
The cabinets have the ability to release all keys in an emergency, this can be extremely useful for certain industries that require quick access to keys in an emergency situation.
The Touchscreen
The e-Track cabinet touchscreen comes as a 5 or 10-inch display for the Mini cabinet range and a 10-inch display as standard for the Core and High Secure ranges. The software for these screens has been created with simplicity and ease in mind, with the ability to take or return a key at the click of a button and the secure login feature to ensure the security of your keys.
Fingerprint and User RFIDs can be used for access to cabinets when security is a priority for your company. Alternatively, on any Core or High Secure cabinet, there will always be the ability to login via a PIN code.