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e-Track's Sustainable Solutions & Secure Future.


Updated: Jan 24


e-Track Sustainable Solutions

We understand that any business has an impact on the world around us, therefore good Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the key to a brighter future. e-Track is committed to the development of sustainable practices because we believe that widespread change requires models to lead by example.


End of Life & Battery Disposal

In 2021, the UK Government reported approximately 5,340 tonnes of non-household electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycled through their initiative. Through the responsible disposal of all materials used during the manufacture and service of our products, e-Track contributes to keeping waste out of landfills and improving environmental well-being.

We therefore offer collection for the appropriate disposal of end-of-life products, free of charge, to clients without the means to suitable recycle products at the end of their serviceable life.


As of April 2022, e-Track has earned the silver Ecovadis medal, demonstrating our drive to implement sustainable practices into our company. We regularly review and refine our business processes to reduce waste loss and improve efficiency and expect this to be reflected in future sustainability ratings.

A greener future for manufacturing means implementing changes in the present and learning from the past.

ISO 9001:2015

Quality management is a core component of reducing waste and ensuring business sustainability. e-Track is proud to have achieved certification for our Quality Management System, awarded by BSI in February 2022.

Sustainable Development Framework

The United Nations (UN) outlined 17 goals for sustainable development to be actioned by stakeholders in UN member states. e-Track looks to adapt and improve business processes in line with the UN goals and our sustainable solutions.

  • We offer flexible work to allow our employees to prioritise their health and family without compromising their ability to work and earn.

  • As e-Track grows we hope to expand our business to offer employment to the local community and provide opportunities for graduates to enter the workforce.

  • We regularly develop our business operations to boost efficiency and ensure the work taking place is sustainable and allows for continuous growth.

  • Our workplace is a diverse environment filled with multicultural staff and reasonable adjustment plans to aid those requiring temporary or long-term assistance.

  • Sustainable procurement is essential to our ability to continuously manufacture our product range. We look to reduce wastage in the production process and repurpose or appropriately dispose of end-of-life machines.

  • Our firm policies ensure our workforce is safe and comfortable in the work environment, with defined escalation procedures to fairly resolve any injustices experienced.

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